A very thought-provoking question, and one most people ask quite frequently.
What if...
What if everyone served their community in a practical way. Take a moment to think about it. What if everyone took the time to attempt solving a piece of the world's needs. Perhaps I am mistaken, but the domino effect works anywhere it is powerfully applied. Imagine for a moment that the need in the world is equivalent to a game of Jenga. Every time one person pulls one block from the tower, it becomes weaker until finally, it collapses completely. Sure, there are parts of the world that are significantly poorer than others. But if one place can be affected, are those peoples incapable of spreading their newly acquired resources to other less fortunate peoples? On the contrary...how did America become a super-power country? Were we always a world power? We fed off the successes, desires, and passions of a few people, and ran with it from there. What if everyone took the same passion that some have for reaching the world, and applied it to themselves. Imagine...this should be a world-wide vision: to inspire everyone to serve humanity.